The friendship woven between “Teacher One,” Chatchai Sasakul, the 26th World Boxing Council (WBC) world champion of Thailand, and “Manny Pacquiao,” the legendary global boxer, has endured for over 20 years. This enduring friendship remains strong, characterized by mutual hope, sincere affection, and constant thoughts for each other. This is because “Teacher Nueng,” Chatchai Sasakul, serves as the inspiration that propels Pacquiao to dedicate himself to training, ultimately becoming a living legend.
Every time Pacquiao steps into the ring, if the opportunity arises, he invites “Teacher Nueng” to join the ringside cheering, including during the global showdown “THE MATCH OF PHANTOMS” where Pacquiao is scheduled to face the legendary Thai boxer, “Bua Kaw Banchamek,” in 2567. Before the world-stopping fight began, Pacquiao extended an invitation for “Teacher Nueng” to dine at his home in the Philippines. However, it was only recently that “Teacher Nueng” had the chance to travel and meet Pacquiao in the Philippines. They engaged in conversations, discussing both their joys and sorrows.
Notably, before Pacquiao entered the historic match against “Bua Kaw” in “THE MATCH OF PHANTOMS,” he trained at the “Satsakul Gym,” which is Teacher Nueng’s gym.
“We discussed many things, but what impressed me the most about Pacquiao is the respect he showed us. I am pleased that he chose to train at our gym. Whether he comes or not when the time comes, I do not know. But just the fact that he thought of us makes me happy.”
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